
On Friday am, I am having a CT scan with IV contrast dye to check for “everything.” I found out I was actually supposed to have it earlier – there was an error, the doctor ordered it STAT but the order was entered wrongly into the computer, so even though it said STAT, it went into the cue with less pressing radiograph orders.

A long time ago, I stopped believing in coincidence. There was to much synchronicity in my life. And if everything happens for a reason, that that means things that look like mistakes, too.

Because of this error, I have been the lucky recipient of phenomenal Chinese and energy medicine care for a week. I have been taking the formula to clear out bacteria and virus pathogens (similar to what I took when I first ended up in the ER for an extremely swollen kidney back in November) at 1/3 increased dose. (Increasing dosage for Chinese herbs does not always have a desired effect; it is not a clear correlation of increased strength, like in pharmaceuticals, but sometimes it can make all the difference.). I have had a TON of moxabustion. I have done qigong and breath work. I have done (and received) reiki. I have drank unsweetened cranberry juice and squeezed lemons. Every morning, first thing, I’ve had a glass of juiced carrots, beets, celery, and apples. I’ve reduced my protein a little (protein is hard on the kidneys, but necessary for breastfeeding) and of animal proteins, I am consuming only eggs, milk, cottage cheese, beef, and whey, which, according to an article sent to me by an ND friend, are easiest for the kidneys to process. Yesterday, we went back to my esteemed herbal professor and got new formulas for Adahlia and I – to more exactly match what we currently need – which we started the first dose of last night.

I do not believe they will see any clear causes of my condition on the CT scan, and I don’t say that because I don’t want to get better.

I say that because I’m doing an accelerated version of what I did November-February, while waiting for follow up ultrasounds and consultations, and the significant improvement caused the doctors to determine that there was nothing wrong, or that maybe there was a stone they couldn’t see, but that they would just keep a watch on it.

My discomfort and back pains are greatly reduced. Yesterday my pains were mostly in my lower abdomen, perhaps my ureters. I believe my right kidney jet is functioning again, eliminating into the bladder. As I type this, I feel my left kidney is more swollen as it aches and throbs a bit… But that sensation comes and goes, at varying intensities, for both sides. We shall see.

Adahlia does not like her new herbal formula, which is a shame – she sucked down the old one with gusto. This one is stronger though, more of the primary antiviral, antibacterial herb in proportion to the other herbs, some of which taste either bland or sweet. The main anti pathogen herb tastes pretty nasty. She was clearly disappointed to discover the switch. Hopefully, though, she’ll come around.

I was able to give her a short moxa treatment today, too, with the Tiger Warmer, (sorry i do not have time to explain everything; i realize Chinese medicine is foreign to most folks, but you should be able to find answers on the internet, if you’re curious) and a very brief shonishin one. I hope to do more work on her tomorrow, but I really do need to focus on myself a bit. Saturday, she has an appointment with an expert shonishin person, so that is wonderful. She has an ultrasound of her kidneys and an echo of her heart scheduled this month, both because of my current issue and because DBA is sometimes associated with heart and kidney problems. (She actually did have a Ventral Septal Heart defect and functional murmur when she was first admitted at 6 weeks, but by mid-late Fal they were telling us they could no longer hear the murmur.)

Alright. I had gotten up to pump some milk for her and now, I need to get back to sleep. It is vital to healing.

Love to all. Our spirits are high and we are all happy, healthy, and enjoying ourselves, loving each other and looking forward to all we will experience.