

Do not listen to people when they talk of good and evil.

Or rather, listen so that you may understand them, but do not believe them.

All is the hand of God.

How then, can there be evil?

There is only perceived isolation from One – be It called God, Love, Him, Allah, Jehovah, Goddess, Existence, Yahweh, Creative Force, I AM, Nature, Collective Unconscious, Spirit, or Universe – and what many call evil is only an illusion, from having forgotten how to listen to the whisper of the wind, the songs sung through the trees, echoed by birds and the soft tread of animals through leaves.

There is only learning, here. Everything is for your learning. Even the cruelty, the hate, the anger, the wars. Do not worry. Do not get caught up in wounds. Watch it all. Be very observant. It is for your learning.

Do not cling to anything, that is what is meant in Bhuddism, by non-attachment. When one love leaves, rejoice! It is because you are ready now, to have your heart opened to something or someone larger, a love on a higher plane. This is the way it is until death, when we are ready, finally, to know God in entirety.