Dream interpretation, anyone?

I just woke up from a rather illuminating dream. For those if you gifted in interpretation, some parts are obvious. If you have insight that could help, please let me know:

Amphitheater. Ghosts everywhere, bad vibes. I keep accountability of my family and set up a buddy system for the children and even adults so none get led away by ghosts. Ghosts then seem ok with sharing space: there is an opera singer who floats by singing at the top of her lungs and is ok with a live opera singer performing her song, as long she doesn’t try to hit the high note and leaves that in homage to her. Other ghosts are spectators. They are everywhere, but my buddy system works. The atmosphere is no longer ominous.

Then two young boy ghosts, brothers, try to take me to door to a dusty storage area. I assume it is where they were killed; the amphitheater stage is only a small part of a vast and daunting network of rooms and passages. They tug on my arms but I resist because its real bad energy in there. I am very afraid. I get the idea that their dad, or whoever killed them, is in there and would be pissed by my entry.

Now outside, a healer NCNM friend plants two green shoots for the boys. I’m not sure what the plants are, but I might recognize them if I saw a picture. She tells me they were killed by a little girl they loved: she took them to a basement, exposed them to a poison to see if they loved her. The poison leaked out of the bag in a purple haze; she had suspended the bag above them. She did it first to one boy, and then to the other. The second boy knew she had killed his brother but went anyway. Out of love? Or childlike obedience and ignorance?

I start to follow my friend and she enters a subterranean parking lot. Dead, bleeding people, or ghosts, are suddenly everywhere, coming up to me. She doesn’t see them. The atmosphere again has turned ominous and I am scared. Purple haze is filling the air. I turn and run; my friend is left behind and when I look back she is struggling with the haze but is still trying to follow me out. I escape by climbing up a sewer drain and am outside.

A nonchalant blue collar man walks over, chatting about poison needing to get out, hits a release valve, and it’s like a fire hydrant shooting purple water into the sky. Some gooey drips are falling and I cover my mouth; some poison gets in/on me and I’m worried, but I’m ok.

I awake.

Subterranean parking lot and storage areas: the subconscious. Areas unused, unexplored. The amphitheater stage is real life: only a small part of reality, but where things are literally “acted” out in the “real” world.

Sewer subterranean: kidneys.

My family, NCNM friend, blue collar worker: aspects of myself.

An obvious need to purge a poison or perceived poison … Question is how to do it. Dream suggests I am overthinking it.

Dead, bleeding people underground: my kidney cells? Or, simply more “ghosts”?

The ghosts: beings from other dimensions. Some are perceived as helpful or at least innocuous, others seem dangerous. They share our reality (stage) and also move freely into places we cannot or do not go. Whether or not we are supposed to, or should, is another question. Obviously, the “ghosts” wanted me to go. My NCNM friend tried to lead me there too. My instinct, or fear, said otherwise. Wise choice? Hard to say. What is interesting is that when I refused to enter the dusty, offstage storage area, whatever directs dreams simply gave me another metaphor for the subconscious: the subterranean. Something is certainly trying to get me to go into scary places.

(Note: I’ve gone into “scary” places before in dreams… They are often portals to places where you learn things. Then again, sometimes, they simply lead to a nightmare. Typically, I have to have a real strong motivation to go into someplace that feels ominous. (Once, a little boy ghost told me that a woman who took me into a scary place could help me with Adahlia, so I went, but I couldn’t solve her riddle.) I also once really pissed off a benevolent ghost by refusing to go into the basement where he/she was simply sitting in a rocking chair, knitting. It was as non-threatening as possible, since it was my childhood basement, which is a finished basement, and it was only that one “ghost.” I think I was supposed to go down there to learn from that entity. But I was scared of the unknown: what would this ghost look like? What if she/he got mean? When I shut the door instead of going down the stairs, he/she threw it open and howled at me like the wind for being such a chicken. I couldn’t see the “ghost” because Id been knocked to the floor; I felt more scolded than scared. Since then, I’ve engaged more with talking with “ghosts.” But I do hate it when the atmosphere gets all freaky.)

A purple poison? Interesting. Purple is the color of wisdom, of psychic ability, of the third eye chakra, and second only to the purity of gold and white. Purple is a high color. Very odd that it would be poisonous… Am I not utilizing something properly and perhaps it has turned poisonous? What needs released?

Other ideas?